Being so far from the cultural movement going on in the world, our whole share is the commercial and superficial part of it. Go to any music shop even in remote parts of the country and ask for commercial music. They will prepare it so instantly. But good music? Sorry, there is not any.
As we don't have credit cards, we can't do online shopping. Besides, receiving music through post is forbidden. So the only way left, is friends smuggling the music.
Just recently, I received a very beautiful music of an Arab Israeli singer- Amal Murkus. The CD's name is 'Amal' meaning 'Hope' in Arabic. I don't know much about her except for what I find in the net, but her music is really touching. If you are a world music lover, go search for her music; you won't feel regret – I promise.
I do not know how to make the links as hyperlink on your site. to open these sites I wrote to you for music, you can copy the link and open it in a new window. let me know if it works
Thanks for the trouble. Yes, the links should be copied+pasted in an address bar. I will do that definitely except for Dariush whom I consider of commercial music (if you don't mind :))and can be found here very very easily here.
I consider him a human right activist who sings from the heart
I only found out about him recently when I was trying to help a refugee. I have to confess that I am classical music fan
I am back now and I can write a bit more. Regarding your comment on Dariush I must say that unfortunately, it is an unpleasant characteristic of many of us to be judgmental without getting to know someone. I never write on blogs or read Iranian websites for the same reason. Only recently I heard on www.multikulti.de radio, barnameh farsi that Behazin dargozasht, va kheili naraha shodam. When I searched his name to find out more I bumped into your site. with best wishes
Dear Anonymous (I'm afraid there are more than one. I wish you could pick a name rather than this general nickname); Thanks really for coming and leaving messages. Well, I don't know Dariush in person. I just don't like his music and consider it to be commercial. Well, I have been living in this country since I was born and have tastes on different issues. Music is on the top list. Sorry if I may look judgmental. :)
all of the above messages (from the links to this ) are from me.
please delete them as there only meant to be for you.
I understand what are saying about your taste of music. I am very picky too.
You did not tell me where you learn such good english.
I have enabled my profile to be viewed by everybody. Please check it. I still don't know how I can add 'Email me' at the end of the posts.
Besides, I recommend (humbly) to pick 'other' when sending a comment to have a name instead of anonymous.
Today I found out about this fantastic program by one of the best universities in the US, Massachusetts Institute of Technology free access to education! I could not believe it until I searched it and I am watching a recorded lecture right now. I wanted to share this with all of bachehaye khoobe Iran bekhosos anhai ke az daneshgah mahroom mishan. I ran into your site when I was reading about Behazin, and I love anyone you loves Behazin. So I decided to come back and post this. Please share this info. thanks
Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MIT’s OpenCourseWare:
a free and open educational resource for educators, students, and self-learners around the world. OCW supports MIT’s mission to advance knowledge and education, and serve the world in the 21st century. It is true to MIT’s values of excellence, innovation, and leadership.
Wow, I'm impressed that Amal Murkus has now made her way to Iran! I'd like to commend you on your spirit of openness, Laila.
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