Friday, May 19, 2006


In a Canadian daily we read that Iranian government is going to force Iranian Jewish to attach a yellow star on their chest to be recognized.
Well, I am living in Iran and am following the news very closely BUT I haven't heard such a strange thing yet. So, I searched the article to see if there is any reliable source telling that and I didn't find any. Instead, there are names of rabbis over there in the West and some Mr Behroozian (whom just God knows who he is) condemning this action . Ok, ok. That's shameful if Iranian government or any other government in the world commits that, but wait a minute please; nobody has spoken of that in the country yet.

The Iranian Jewish people –whom I read here and there are about 25000 now- are living a life more or less like us- the Muslims. I can't say they don't face any discriminations because of their religion, but you see, it's not something to make a fuss over. They can't occupy high rank posts or so, but they have their synagogues and their practices, feasts and ceremonies, their member of Parliament, their schools. They have their own organizations (youth organization for instance) and can gather freely and have their own weddings or funerals. In Iran, for university entrance exam –which is a terribly tough competition- we have to answer religious questions about principles, practices, etc. The Jewish people can answer the questions about their own religion.

Well, that's great if Rabbi Marvin Hier, is against such kind of inhuman actions, but I am really curious to know if he feels the same sensitive to the similar discriminations happening right now in Israel against Palestinians. I would love to know what's in his resume against the ethnic cleansing, abuse, suppressions, bombing and killings over there. If to this gentleman, Arabs are inferior to Jewish people in Israel ( 'they are uneducated, wild, aggressive, filthy, etc.'), then I am really willing to know –at least- if he has ever raised his voice against the discriminations among the Jewish people themselves.


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for this post. It's good to know ordinary Iranian citizens are on top of this issue.

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Laila said...

You are welcome. But sorry, I didn't get what you mean by 'It's good to know ordinary Iranian citizens are on top of this issue.
'. :)

At 12:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"on top of it" means you are in control and handling it professionally.


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