An arid patch of land in south east of TehranEighteen years ago, in such days, the political prisoners of our country were massacred in big groups, savagely and brutally. Nobody knows the real figure, but they surely have been in hundreds. The affiliations among them were different, Marxists and some Muslims, members of MKO, a leftist- Islamist organization. Protesting to the massacre, the vice leader, Ayatollah Montazari resigned from his position and preferred to sit in his home and teach the clergies rather than sharing the crimes of Khomeini and his gang. In an open letter addressing Khomeini, he protested the merciless killings and that was the last nail on the coffin of his presence in power system.

Khomeini was the number one and the main responsible for the killings. Based on his fatwa, the trials took place. Regardless of whatever role he had in our contemporary history, his role in killing of the best children of our nation never can be forgiven.
The massacre happened in Evin prison in Tehran, in Gohar-dasht prison in Karaj and other major cities. The officials put the prisoners – already convicted to different years of imprisonment- under trial once again, asked them about their political affiliations and if they still believed in them and decided on their fate.

The survived prisoners tell horrible stories of those days. Friends and comrades were taken to death chambers and were hung savagely. The corpses were buried in different places. In Tehran, the leftists are buried in a place called Khavaran, a remote land patch on south east of the city. There are no names and no graves. Families of the executed prisoners gather there every now and then and commemorate the bravery and the memory of their beloved ones. Two occasions are especial in this regard: Iranian new year, and end of summer, the same time when the prisoners were executed in 1988. They meet, tell stories, exchange news, sing songs, put flowers all around the place. Today, the families were in hundreds in Khavaran, doing the same they have been doing all these years.
you are right the best children of our nation were killed, (sedayeshan ra khafeh nemoodand)
and those of us who survived have never been able to be happy
that is how this despotic regim managed to survive so many years by terrorizing and killing the most intelligent and freedom loving people
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