Saturday, May 20, 2006


This story of badges* is mounting. This chart is the number of the posts on blogs written about this issue in different languages recently. This chart is expressive enough. But this is another example of how propaganda machine works. Somebody has said something, somebody else picks it, makes a big fuss over it, invents a deviated story out of it, sends the tilted news to a group of people, then they begin condemning it, signing petitions, writing protest letters to this official and that international organization…….. So, how you can make others to hear your voice among this deafening fuss?" Wait a minute! If there is anything ratified by the Parliament, then we inside the country should be the first to know about it…."
The sad thing is that these stories pop up based on a fertile bed prepared by Mr President who calls Holocaust a myth. Sometimes I just wonder who is benefiting this man's stances. It's neither Iranian nation nor Palestinians.

* Read the post below please, if you don't know the story.


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