Friday, May 26, 2006

Eating on the spot

Not long ago, Tehran had hundreds of gardens in different parts of the city. Now, except for a few, the rest have changed into residential complexes. The green patches and natural corridors are invaded by urban expansion and I think just after a couple of years we won't be left any traces of the old gardens except in the memories and the pictures.
In the western part of the city, in a district called Kan, there are still gardens of white and black mulberry and Persimmon. My friends and I have a 'tradition' to go to the mulberry gardens once a year, pick mulberries and eat them right on the spot. We do the same in autumn for eating and buying Persimmon. The fruit in the shops never have the fresh and sweet taste of them on the branches. The gardeners leave the Persimmons for a long time so that all the leaves fall from the trees and there are just the orange juicy fruits left on the naked branches.
Sorry, I can't share with you the joy of eating fresh mulberries. Instead, this picture I've brought you in my basket.


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