The road snakes through the plain. It was early morning and a few cars were on the road. When getting back home in the afternoon, it was hellish crowded.
A beautiful scenery. Entering the mountainous part, crossing the Alborz range, to get to Mazandaran province.
Not a few of propaganda signs like this on the way. It reads:" Praying the God..." is so and so. Coming out of a tunnel, entering the next one.
Parallel to the way, that's the railroad in an upper altitude. A nice bridge among many of them. The most beautiful one is Veresk which I didn't have a chance to take a photo. This railroad was constructed some 80 years ago.
First group of green patches of rice fields.
A factory on the way. I couldn't see what it was, but I liked the yellow color.
A view of Zir-ab. The town is famous for its coal mines. And also for a strike of miners which was smashed in their cold blood during Shah's time.
A house on the way, somewhere between Savad-kuh and Zir-ab.
Rice fields all along the way when you enter the northern provinces. The forest in the background.
Hospital of Savadkooh, another small (but old) town on the way. The town is the central point of a mountainous region with the same name.
The hills are all covered with tall trees. The thickest forest of the country is located in the North, along the Caspian sea.
Khazar-shahr, an idustrial town on the way
On the expressway joining Qaem-shahr and Sari. The humidity was killing in the car without the conditioner
thanks for the photos,
glad you had a nice trip,
You are welcome!
But who said I had a nice trip? :)10 hours in the car going and coming back, running hither and thither in the humid hottness , without achieving the results I was hoping for. Got back late at night, sweaty and deadly tired.
oops may be I got the wrong impression, pardon moi
I have not been to Iran for so many years. Today I read this article mosahebe ba shirin ebadi
then open
mosahebe ba shirin ebadi
from the list
Is it really true that an apartmaent in northern Tehran cost 10 million swedish krones = about 140 000 US dollars that ebadi received. I would appreciate it if you have any comment. thanks
In northern Tehran? No, that should be much more expensive. Let me give you a picture; in the middle class area the price of one square meter of a newly constructed appartment is something around 900-1000 USD.
thanks so much for you response. I guess I am not going to even dream about coming back.
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