Today when BBC, CNN, EuroNews, Aljazeerah (and probably hundreds of other networks) were broadcasting live from New York, I remembered the other Sept 11.
Rarely the people remember and mention this one and if they do, we can't hear about it in mainstream media.
For us, for our generation, the incident played a significant role in education about how brutal and merciless can imperialism and its puppets be.
Today when BBC, CNN, EuroNews, Aljazeerah (and probably hundreds of other networks) were broadcasting live from New York, I remembered the other Sept 11.
Rarely the people remember and mention this one and if they do, we can't hear about it in mainstream media.
For us, for our generation, the incident played a significant role in education about how brutal and merciless can imperialism and its puppets be.
The literature and the artwork about the incident are not few. But can they reflect the depth of the pain and sorrow a nation went through for years because of it? I don't think so. Among all the people who were killed and disapeared on the first day of the coup and the years following it, Victor Jara's name is shining like a diamond. His legacy and his brutal death turned him to a symbol of struggle for peace and justice for all of us. Passing the years never can make it rust.
On 9/11 let's bow our heads before all the loving souls who joined the stars on such a day in Chile in 1973.
Colin Powell: "With respect to your earlier comments about Chile in the 1970s and what happened with Mr. Allende, it is not a part of American history that we're proud of."
Facing growing food shortages, the government of Salvador Allende placed Bachelet's father in charge of the Food Distribution Office. When Augusto Pinochet came to power in the September 11, 1973 coup, General Bachelet, refusing exile, was detained at the Air War Academy, under charges of treason. Following months of daily torture at Santiago's Public Prison, on March 12, 1974, he suffered a cardiac arrest that resulted in his death. On January 10, 1975, Bachelet and her mother were detained, and tortured, at Villa Grimaldi, a notorious secret detention center in Santiago.
Dear Laila,
As a Latin American who was born at the end of the dictatorship and who was brought up with sequels from such a horrible experience many countries lived during the 70’s, I cannot avoid responding to your comment about the “other September 11”; and especially about the role in your education this “incident” played.
A side of me is happy to see somebody remembers and reminds me what happened in Latin America during that period, especially because it is true the mainstream media is not doing well enough in that matter. However, we should be very carefully with the lessons we learn from history. “Imperialism” is a word I heard many times- specially recently- in Latin America and not specifically referring to policies adopted by American governments (see definition of “Imperialism”: http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/imperialism), but as actions of the United States during that period of the history. That is why it takes my attention to see how you mixed both issues into a comment which meant to take the attention away from a horrible terrorist attack which cost the life of many people into a different “incident” of the history that can be related to the action of the United States as fighting against the expansion of communism in Latin America.
It is true imperialism can be brutal and merciless as shown during the history. However, it is also true and even more important to understand the real responsible behind people murders, tortures and disappearing is people’s silence, allowance, and even support driven by their own fear. Fear for not understanding how their power can overthrow a government, an army, and even the most despotic and cruel regime exist.
I think on September 11, I would like to remember those who died in the hands of terrorists or dictators no matter where in the world, and to pray for those who remind alive to understand the value of life, freedom, democracy; and the immense power of their will to change this world for better- starting for places in which those values have not been established yet-. I hope with all my heart we will be able to learn something from history, and it will not be just to blame other nations but to assume our responsibility to encourage changes in this world.
Regards from the third world!!
Dear Mariana,
Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.
What I meant was actually telling that the lives of other people are as precious as Americans' and I never intended to take away the attention from the attack on WT buidings on Sep 11 in NY city.
I think beside the reason of American foreign policy decision takers being the actual plotters behind the coup in Chile( It's not that "mainstream media is not doing well enough ". They intentionally ignore it. Would you go on the roof shouting your own failures to be heard by all people around? Of course not!), they also believe in the higher value of Americans' lives. Just look at the daily reports on death tolls in Iraq and Palestine (newly, Afghanistan) and how the killed people are just numbers, faceless and nameless. And compare it with the propaganda and detailed reports on those killed in attack on TW buildings. Do you think the look toward these groups of people is the same? I don't think so.
I wrote the post following my feeling after surfing in satellite channels and seeing that all were broadcasting live reports from New York.
The other thing I would love to mention is the meaning of the word 'terrorist'. Like other words which propaganda machine of Americans uses in benefit of US administration policies, this word has been distorted by them. I believe the biggest terrorist power in the world is the government of United States of America, having a very dark resume after WWII, interferring in domestic affairs of other countries. (In my country, they toppled the democratically elected of Dr Mosaddeq in a coup in 53). The following ranks go to all their allies and puppets here and there in the world.
from the cia.gov website, they even finally admit it.
Intelligence in Recent Public Literature
All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (U)
By Stephen Kinzer. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2003. 258 pages.
Reviewed by David S. Robarge
At an NSC meeting in early 1953, President Dwight Eisenhower said "it was a matter of great distress to him that we seemed unable to get some of these down-trodden countries to like us instead of hating us."1 The problem has likewise distressed all administrations since, and is emerging as the core conundrum of American policy in Iraq. In All the Shah's Men, Stephen Kinzer of the New York Times suggests that the explanation may lie next door in Iran, where the CIA carried out its first successful regime-change operation over half a century ago. The target was not an oppressive Soviet puppet but a democratically elected government whose populist ideology and nationalist fervor threatened Western economic and geopolitical interests. The CIA's covert intervention—codenamed TPAJAX—preserved the Shah's power and protected Western control of a hugely lucrative oil infrastructure. It also transformed a turbulent constitutional monarchy into an absolutist kingship and induced a succession of unintended consequences at least as far ahead as the Islamic revolution of 1979—and, Kinzer argues in his breezily written, well-researched popular history, perhaps to today.
British colonialism faced its last stand in 1951 when the Iranian parliament nationalized the sprawling Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) after London refused to modify the firm's exploitative concession. "[B]y a series of insensate actions," the British replied with prideful stubbornness, "the Iranian Government is causing a great enterprise, the proper functioning of which is of immense benefit not only to the United Kingdom and Iran but to the whole free world, to grind to a stop. Unless this is promptly checked, the whole of the free world will be much poorer and weaker, including the deluded Iranian people themselves."2 Of that attitude, Dean Acheson, the secretary of state at the time, later wrote: "Never had so few lost so much so stupidly and so fast."3 But the two sides were talking past each other. The Iranian prime minister, Mohammed Mossadeq, was "a visionary, a utopian, [and] a millenarian" who hated the British, writes Kinzer. "You do not know how crafty they are," Mossadeq told an American envoy sent to broker the impasse. "You do not know how evil they are. You do not know how they sully everything they touch."4
The Truman administration resisted the efforts of some British arch-colonialists to use gunboat diplomacy, but elections in the United Kingdom and the United States in 1951 and 1952 tipped the scales decisively toward intervention. After the loss of India, Britain's new prime minster, Winston Churchill, was committed to stopping his country's empire from unraveling further. Eisenhower and his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, were dedicated to rolling back communism and defending democratic governments threatened by Moscow's machinations. In Iran's case, with diplomacy having failed and a military incursion infeasible (the Korean War was underway), they decided to take care of "that madman Mossadeq"5 through a covert action under the supervision of the secretary of state's brother, Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) Allen Dulles.6 (Oddly, considering the current scholarly consensus that Eisenhower was in masterful control of his administration, Kinzer depicts him as beguiled by a moralistic John Foster and a cynical Allen.) Directing the operation was the CIA's charming and resourceful man in Tehran, Kermit Roosevelt, an OSS veteran, Arabist, chief of Middle East operations, and inheritor of some of his grandfather Theodore's love of adventure.
The CIA's immediate target was Mossadeq, whom the Shah had picked to run the government just before the parliament voted to nationalize the AIOC. A royal-blooded eccentric given to melodrama and hypochondria, Mossadeq often wept during speeches, had fits and swoons, and conducted affairs of state from bed wearing wool pajamas. During his visit to the United States in October 1951, Newsweek labeled him the "Fainting Fanatic" but also observed that, although most Westerners at first dismissed him as "feeble, senile, and probably a lunatic," many came to regard him as "an immensely shrewd old man with an iron will and a flair for self-dramatization."7 Time recognized his impact on world events by naming him its "Man of the Year" in 1951.
Mossadeq is Kinzer's paladin—in contrast to the schemers he finds in the White House and Whitehall—but the author does subject him to sharp criticism. He points out, for example, that Mossadeq's ideology blinded him to opportunities to benefit both himself and the Iranian people: "The single-mindedness with which he pursued his campaign against [the AIOC] made it impossible for him to compromise when he could and should have."8 In addition, Mossadeq failed at a basic test of statecraft—trying to understand other leaders' perspectives on the world. By ignoring the anticommunist basis of US policy, he wrenched the dispute with the AIOC out of its Cold War context and saw it only from his parochial nationalist viewpoint. Lastly, Mossadeq's naïvete about communist tactics led him to ignore the Tudeh Party's efforts to penetrate and control Iranian institutions. He seemed almost blithely unaware that pro-Soviet communists had taken advantage of democratic systems to seize power in parts of Eastern Europe. By not reining in Iran's communists, he fell on Washington's enemies list. Kinzer throws this fair-minded assessment off kilter, however, with a superfluous epilogue about his pilgrimage to Mossadeq's hometown. Intended to be evocative, the chapter sounds maudlin and contributes little to either an understanding of the coup or Kinzer's speculations about its relevance today.
Kinzer is at his journalistic best when—drawing on published sources, declassified documents, interviews, and a bootleg copy of a secret Agency history of the operation9—he reconstructs the day-to-day running of TPAJAX. The plan comprised propaganda, provocations, demonstrations, and bribery, and employed agents of influence, "false flag" operatives, dissident military leaders, and paid protestors. The measure of success seemed easy enough to gauge—"[a]ll that really mattered was that Tehran be in turmoil," writes Kinzer. The design, which looked good on paper, failed on its first try, however, and succeeded largely through happenstance and Roosevelt's nimble improvisations. No matter how meticulously scripted a covert action may be, the "fog of war" affects it as readily as military forces on a battlefield. Roosevelt may have known that already—he and his confreres chose as the project's unofficial anthem a song from the musical Guys and Dolls: "Luck Be a Lady Tonight."10
TPAJAX had its surreal and offbeat moments. Kinzer describes Roosevelt calmly lunching at a colleague's house in the embassy compound while "[o]utside, Tehran was in upheaval. Cheers and rhythmic chants echoed through the air, punctuated by the sound of gunfire and exploding mortar shells. Squads of soldiers and police surged past the embassy gate every few minutes. Yet Roosevelt's host and his wife were paragons of discretion, asking not a single question about what was happening." To set the right mood just before Washington's chosen coup leader, a senior army general named Fazlollah Zahedi, spoke to the nation on the radio, US officials decided to broadcast some military music. Someone found an appropriate-looking record in the embassy library and put on the first song; to everyone's embarrassment, it was "The Star-Spangled Banner." A less politically discordant tune was quickly played, and then Zahedi took the microphone to declare himself "the lawful prime minister by the Shah's order." Mossadeq was sentenced to prison and then lifetime internal exile.11
The Shah—who reluctantly signed the decrees removing Mossadeq from office and installing Zahedi, thereby giving the coup a constitutional patina—had fled Iran during the crucial latter days of the operation. When he heard of the successful outcome from his refuge in Rome, he leapt to his feet and cried out, "I knew it! They love me!"12 That serious misreading of his subjects' feeling toward him showed that he was out of touch already. Seated again on the Peacock Throne, the insecure and vain Shah forsook the opportunity to introduce constitutional reforms that had been on the Iranian people's minds for decades. Instead, he became a staunch pro-Western satrap with grandiose pretensions. He forced the country into the 20th century economically and socially but ruled like a pre-modern despot, leaving the mosques as the only outlet for dissent. Although the next 25 years of stability that he imposed brought the United States an intelligence payoff the price was dependence on local liaison for information about internal developments. The intelligence gap steadily widened, and Washington was caught by surprise when the Khomeini-inspired Islamist revolution occurred in February 1979.
That takeover, according to Kinzer, links the 51-year-old coup with recent and current terrorism.
With their devotion to radical Islam and their eagerness to embrace even the most horrific kinds of violence, Iran's revolutionary leaders became heroes to fanatics in many countries. Among those who were inspired by their example were Afghans who founded the Taliban, led it to power in Kabul, and gave Osama bin-Laden the base from which he launched devastating terror attacks. It is not far-fetched to draw a line from Operation Ajax through the Shah's repressive regime and the Islamic Revolution to the fireballs that engulfed the World Trade Center in New York.13
This conclusion, however, requires too many historical jumps, exculpates several presidents who might have pressured the Shah to institute reforms, and overlooks conflicts between the Shia theocracy in Tehran and Sunni extremists in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
Kinzer would have been better off making a less sweeping judgment: that TPAJAX got the CIA into the regime-change business for good—similar efforts would soon follow in Guatemala, Indonesia, and Cuba—but that the Agency has had little success at that enterprise, while bringing itself and the United States more political ill will, and breeding more untoward results, than any other of its activities.14 Most of the CIA's acknowledged efforts of this sort have shown that Washington has been more interested in strongman rule in the Middle East and elsewhere than in encouraging democracy. The result is a credibility problem that accompanied American troops into Iraq and continues to plague them as the United States prepares to hand over sovereignty to local authorities. All the Shah's Men helps clarify why, when many Iraqis heard President George Bush concede that "[s]ixty years of Western nations excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did nothing to make us safe,"15 they may have reacted with more than a little skepticism.
1. "Memorandum of Discussion at the 135th Meeting of the National Security Council, Washington, March 4, 1953," US Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952-1954, Volume X, Iran, 1951-1954 (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 1989), 699.
2. Kinzer, p. 121, quoting the British delegate to the UN Security Council, Gladwyn Jebb.
3. Dean Acheson, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department (New York: W. W. Norton, 1969), 503.
4. Vernon A. Walters, Silent Missions (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978), 247.
5. John Foster Dulles, quoted in Kermit Roosevelt, Countercoup: The Struggle for the Control of Iran (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979), 8.
6. The British had a covert action against Mossadeq in train until he expelled all British diplomats (including undercover intelligence officers) in October 1952. As Kinzer describes, members of MI-6 collaborated with CIA officers in drawing up the TPAJAX operational plan.
7. Kinzer, 120.
8. Ibid., 206-7.
9. Details of the Agency history were publicized in James Risen, "How a Plot Convulsed Iran in '53 (and '79)," New York Times, 16 April 2000, 1, 16-17. Lightly redacted versions of the history are posted on two Web sites:
the New York Times at www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html; and the National Security Archive's at www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB28/index.html.
10. Kinzer, 175, 211, 13.
11. Ibid., 181, 183-84.
12. Ibid., 184.
13. Ibid., 203-4.
14. Such is the theme of Kinzer's previous venture (with Stephen Schlesinger) into covert action history, Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala, Anchor Books ed. (New York: Doubleday, 1990), wherein the authors ask, "Was Operation SUCCESS [in Guatemala] necessary and did it really advance US interests, in the long range and in the aggregate?" (xiii).
15. David E. Sanger, "Bush Asks Lands in Mideast to Try Democratic Ways," New York Times, 7 November 2003: A1.
Dr. David S. Robarge, is a member of CIA's History Staff. This article is unclassified in its entirety.
and if you want to see another form of terrorism watch this
this is how the mullahs managed to rule us for more than 20 years, kill us in iran, chase us abroad and kill us with our own kitchen knife
here is couple of links for you the first one I found on http://reza.malakut.org/
is a song by Victor Jara
the second is a beautiful song “imagine”
on the website http://www.iraninfo.dk/
you will see it in the middle of the home page
please forward and share with your friends
This the firest time I hear about siavash ghomayshi
looking more I found the source for the song above
here is the real source of the song “Imagine” “tasavorkon”
Lyrics and translation: Imagine!
Even if it is hard to imagine. A world where each person is truly fortunate! Imagine a world where money, race, and power have no place! A world where riot police is not the answer to the calls for unity! a world with no nuclear bombs, no artillery, and no bombardments! a world where no child will leave his legs on land mines! Everybody free, totally free! no one in pain, no pain! You won't read in newspapers that whales committed suicide! Imagine a world with no hatred, no gunpowder, no cruelty of arrogant, no fear, no coffin! Imagine a world filled with smile and freedom! full of flowers and kisses! Filled with up-growing improvements! Imagine! Even if it is a crime to imagine so! even if you'd lay down your life on this! Imagine a world where prison does not exist in reality, where all wars of the world are included in; The Ceasefire Treaty'!! a world where nobody is;The Boss' of the world! people are all equal! Then each person will have an equal share in each single seed of wheat! No border, no boundaries; motherland would mean the entire world! imagine you could be the interpretation of this dream!
Dear Laila:
Understanding by definition terrorism as “the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion” (see http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/terrorism), and “terror” as “state of intense fear” and “violent or destructive acts (as bombing) committed by groups in order to intimidate a population or government into granting their demands” (see http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/terror). I believe the attacked made on the TW five years ago was definitely a “terrorist attack”. Of course we can judge United States of “imperialism” and “crimes” in many places in the world during the whole history (as many other countries which have conquered places in the world during history, including Persia and the prophet Mohammad who was conquering half of the world including Persia). Still, this was not the point of my comment.
During many years, and specially recently with all the changes in Latin America towards socialism, I heard many times how responsible United States was of the dictatorships in Latin America, you can even learn in the university how that country was “financing” the mentioned despotic regimes. I even saw acts in which people were burning the American flag, and of course blaming the United States for the current economic difficulties. I don’t mean to place any kind of position pro or against United States, but merely pro human rights.
I meant in my comment that unfortunately people haven’t learned from what happened in Latin America (as in other places). I see your way of writing and answering and I immediately associate you to people I saw from socialist parties by the kind of reactions you have. “Let’s blame United States” will not take you to any place (you cannot fight against hate with more hate). However, let’s blame ourselves for allowing our nation to establish a war against its own civilians. Let’s blame us for reminding in silence when people was disappearing, being tortured, and murdered. That will help us to start taking responsibilities by our own; for not defending freedom and democracy, for not caring about human rights.
As you see Laila, the point of my comment was that I’m very sorry for every single person who dies in this world (I don’t care who was the killer and I don’t justify him). I believe we can just look for peace if we stop “hating” and start caring about humans, about their rights regardless their skin color, religion or politics believes.
To the first one who sent the song about Amanda, thanks!!...that was very nice!...
To the second one who wrote imagine I can just say: "Amen"...
Dear Mriana,
I posted about both songs and am glad to see that you liked it.
and fyi, we do not have free election in iran, you are only free to vote for those who are already approved by the supreme leader
many candidates, including women were excluded from the possible candidates by the so called supreme leader, prior to the election.
laila jaan, i do not mean to cause trouble for you. i am aware that many bloggers are in prison just for writing about truth, so i will not be offended if you choose to delete my comments. and just to calrify that you do not jump to slap a big label on me, I am not monarchis at all.
-This information is published on a website that is blocked in Iran, therefore I will copy and paste part of it here.
this is how the govenrment sponsors terrorism and kills its own children who disagree with them abroad.
"...It was almost a perfect crime. Three well-dressed men walked into the suburban compound of Iranian exile Shahpour Bakhtiar in broad daylight, passed through X-rays and metal detectors manned by 24-hour police guards, slit his throat and disappeared.
At first, it appeared to be a brilliantly plotted conspiracy, aided by luck. Then came the mistakes.
Now, three years later, those mistakes have not only led to the capture of key suspects in the case but have produced a windfall of Iranian spy data for Western intelligence agencies.
In a trial that opened here Wednesday under massive security, three suspects share the defense dock with the shadow of the state of Iran -- all accused by French investigators of playing a direct role in planning and carrying out the political assassination of Bakhtiar, a former Iranian prime minister.
What began as a murder case has unveiled the shape of what investigators regard as a surprisingly sophisticated Iranian intelligence and terrorism network that stretches from Europe to California. French authorities report:
* That Southern California, a region with an Iranian community of more than 500,000 people by several estimates, "is an operational base" of VEVAK, the state intelligence and security agency of Iran that monitors opponents of the regime worldwide. The California community is dominated by Iranians who fled the Islamic revolution and includes many leading critics of the regime. Consequently, says one of Europe's leading anti-terrorism authorities, "the most important base of Iran's secret service is in California;"
* That Iran's young, KGB-model spy network is now able to carry out its own assassination missions, rather than farming out such assignments to less disciplined terrorist groups;
* That secret agents of the Iran government have infiltrated opposition and exile groups in Europe, the Middle East and California, often targeting their leaders for assassination.
"Iran seems to regard political assassination as its national right, even on foreign soil. Any country that enforces its laws against murder is seen interfering in the sovereign affairs of Iran," said one high-ranking French justice official.
Iran strongly denies the allegations. In an interview, Iranian ambassador to France Hamid Reza Asefi said that Bakhtiar posed no threat to the security of Iran and that Iran had no role in his death. "Moreover, we deplore any such act of violence against any resistance group," Asefi added.
In unraveling the mystery of who killed Bakhtiar and pursuing the primary suspects in a network of perhaps 100 major and minor accomplices, French investigators were led on detective hunts to Switzerland, Turkey, Britain and the United States.
Results of that search are contained in a 185-page report obtained by The Times. It lays out a case that French journalists call "an autopsy of Iran's terror network." That network, French investigators say, includes operatives in the United States.
"But I fear Washington is not sufficiently concerned," said one French official.
In January of 1993, a team of French police investigators followed their trail of conspiracy leads to Los Angeles as they looked for possible suspects in the logistic support of the killers. They took testimony from one Iranian exile who denied any involvement but said he had been solicited to kill Bakhtiar by Iran intelligence agents two years earlier.
Still, the French team was frustrated in part because the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles, citing inadequate probable cause, refused to issue an arrest warrant requested by the investigators and turned down another request for a search warrant.
A U.S. Justice Department spokesman would not comment on the case except to say: "We cooperate and assist foreign law enforcement investigations in the United States aggressively and to the fullest extent permitted by our laws and procedures."
But one French investigator said: "We told them (U.S. officials) there is a network of terrorists operating in your country. The Americans seemed to resent being told." Ironically, a month later terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York. The French had no advance knowledge of that plot. "But we delivered the earlier wake-up call," the French investigator said.
Allegations of official Iranian involvement with terrorists are not new to the United States. Last year Iran was linked indirectly to the World Trade Center bombers when it was claimed that Tehran provided financial assistance to related radical groups in Sudan.
The U.S. State Department, in its most recent report on global terrorism, implicated Iran in a series of murders in Italy, Pakistan and Turkey that were "carried out by professional assassins" who eluded arrest.
The same State Department report claims that "acts of terrorism are approved at the highest levels of the Iranian government" and that Iranian intelligence agents "stalk members of the Iranian opposition in the United States" and throughout the world.
In Paris over the past 10 years alone, six Iranians have been killed in attacks attributed to their political activities. FBI officials say that more than five years ago an Iranian dissident was killed in California in a murder that remains unsolved. And Iranian opposition leaders in Europe say 50 have been murdered worldwide since 1984.
"One reason all these assassinations have continued is because the Iran government has had to pay no price," said Shaul Bakhash, a historian and Iranian expert at George Mason University. "That is one reason the French case is so important."
On trial this week are:
* Ali Vakili Rad, 35, suspected of being one of the killers and a VEVAK secret agent;
* Massoud Hendi, 47, a grandnephew of the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and former Paris correspondent for Iran's government-run radio and television service, who is accused of helping the killers obtain false documents to enter France;
* Zeyal (Zia) Sarhadi, 28, a nephew of President Hashemi Rafsanjani and a member of the Iranian foreign service attached to Tehran's embassy in Switzerland. He is accused of aiding the killers' escape through Geneva.
All three deny involvement in the alleged conspiracy.
France will try six others in absentia. They are:
* Mohammad Azadi, 34, believed to be an agent of Iran's intelligence service, and Farydoun Boyerahmadi, 41. Both are accused with Vakili Rad of killing Bakhtiar.
* Hossein Sheikhattar, 44, a top adviser to Iran's minister of telecommunications; Mesut Edipsoy, 34, an Iranian-born Turkish citizen; Gholam Shoorideh, 34, an Iranian businessman with interests in Southern California and Chicago; and Nasser Ghasmi, 44, also an Iranian businessman. All four are accused of conspiring to aid the assassins.
Prelude to Murder
Based on interviews and access to French investigative files, this is the prosecutors' account of the Bakhtiar assassination and what its investigation reveals about Iranian intelligence operations around the world.
Shahpour Bakhtiar, 76, lived in comfortable surroundings on the River Seine in the west Paris suburb of Suresnes. But he could never be completely comfortable.
A detachment of French state police occupied posts at his front door, in his back yard and in the ground floor entry to his trilevel home -- a constant reminder of his jeopardy.
As a longtime champion of a democratic Iran, he had been imprisoned by Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. When the shah saw his rule slipping, he named Bakhtiar as prime minister. Bakhtiar's tenure lasted barely a month before the Islamic revolution of 1979 swept him away.
Bakhtiar fled to Paris, where he issued tapes and tracts seeking to moderate and unite some of the more extreme opposition factions. He was declared a target of Islamic punishment by Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhali for "making a campaign against Imam Khomeini."
In the summer of 1980, he escaped a botched assassination attempt that left a policeman and a neighbor dead. A second policeman was crippled by a gunshot wound. Investigators said the would-be assassins were hired guns. A Palestinian was convicted.
"Tehran has improved its quality control since those days," said a French official familiar with the latest Bakhtiar case.
Police beefed up their protection, but anti-Bakhtiar plots continued.
Fariborz Karimi, an Iranian exile living in Southern California, told French investigators that in 1989, while on a trip to Frankfurt, he had been asked by an Iranian secret service agent to "execute Shahpour Bakhtiar."
According to his account, which is included in the French investigative report, he was later contacted by Ali Falahian -- then assistant to the chief of VEVAK (today he heads the intelligence agency) -- demanding to know why Karimi had not already assassinated Bakhtiar when he was a guest in the former prime minister's home.
Another assassination occurred in April, 1991. Bakhtiar's chief assistant in the National Movement of the Iranian Resistance was stabbed to death in Paris by assailants who escaped undetected.
Bakhtiar called a meeting in July to select a successor. A member of the resistance movement attending that meeting was Farydoun Boyerahmadi. He placed flowers on an empty chair reserved for their lost colleague. After the meeting he placed a call to Istanbul.
By that time, Iranian secret agents had set up a clandestine dispatch center in two Istanbul apartments. French authorities now believe that Boyerahmadi was checking in with the agents there, who were the operations managers of the assassination plot.
The Istanbul dispatch center was provided by Mesut Edipsoy, an Iranian-Turk who allegedly had ties to the Turkish underworld. He owned or rented the two apartments.
Edipsoy, also known as Edybnia in the United States, traveled frequently to Orange County and Los Angeles, investigators said. The nature of his business dealings was not clear, but French officials believe he was in regular contact with VEVAK agents.
In fact, French authorities suspect that Edipsoy may have acted as a courier serving Iran's spy network in California.
Central to the assassination plot from its inception were two Iranian secret agents -- subsequently identified by the French as Vakili Rad and Azadi -- who would be sent to France to rendezvous with Boyerahmadi.
To get the killers into France, investigators contend, officials of various government ministries in Tehran conspired to help the assassination team obtain false travel documents. It was a pattern of conduct, they allege, that Iran uses around the world.
Through the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting offices, for example, French visas were sought falsely claiming that the two Iranian secret agents were actually businessmen on an electronics shopping trip.
While the phony visas were being sought, the Iran Foreign Affairs Ministry separately issued false Iranian passports to the secret agents and later dispatched one of its own employees to Geneva to help bring the agents home, French investigators say.
Meanwhile, in Istanbul other final arrangements were being made. A master forger was employed to create counterfeit Turkish passports and additional phony Swiss visas.
And in Paris, Boyerahmadi secretly notified the Iranian agents that the housekeeper and gardener of his friend Bakhtiar were leaving on extended vacations, French officials say.
The Last Visitors
Through the month of August, apart from a private secretary and all the police guards surrounding his house, Bakhtiar would be alone.
At 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1991, Boyerahmadi drove his red, older-model BMW to the Bakhtiar home, where he often did odd jobs, escorting Vakili Rad and Azadi. The men wore suits. Boyerahmadi had both men change into black ties, a gesture of respect for Bakhtiar, who was still in mourning over the death of his close friend and executive assistant.
Bakhtiar was expecting them and they had no trouble with the guards or metal detectors. They were unarmed. Based on autopsies and other forensic evidence, police investigators believe this is what happened next:
The younger men joined Bakhtiar in his living room, presenting him with a painting, a gift. Bakhtiar's private secretary served tea, then retired to the terrace off the kitchen. Police guards noticed Boyerahmadi sitting with the assistant shortly after 5:30 p.m.
That left Vakili Rad and Azadi, a large and powerfully built man, alone with Bakhtiar. Police say one of the two men struck Bakhtiar with a paralyzing blow to the throat, possibly with a forearm chop, crushing the older man's larynx. He could neither cry for help nor breathe.
Then, with a butcher knife and bread knife retrieved from Bakhtiar's kitchen, they stabbed him 13 times in the neck and shoulders -- then cut his throat. They also cut his wrists and removed Bakhtiar's Rolex watch as "a trophy," police said, to prove they had accomplished their mission.
Bakhtiar was dead when his secretary returned from the terrace and was similarly slain. Calmly and efficiently, exhibiting uncommon discipline and professional skill, the assailants cleaned up the most visible signs of blood on their clothing. The knives were returned to the sink. The phone was taken off the hook.
A wastebasket was placed between a window and the fallen body of the secretary as camouflage. Bakhtiar's body was left on the sofa where he had been slain, a tablecloth draped over him like a blanket.
At 6 p.m., as scheduled, the three visitors left the house. Police noticed nothing unusual. They drove away in the BMW, passing through the Bois de Boulogne, a large wooded park in western Paris. The two secret agents changed into fresh clothes and dumped their bloody suits and shirts in a curbside trash bin at the edge of the park.
Discarded as well were their shredded Iranian passports. They had now assumed the identities of Turkish citizens named Musa Kocer and Ali Haydar Kaya.
Boyerahmadi dropped Vakili Rad and Azadi at a subway station then abandoned his car with its bloodstained upholstery in a predominantly Iranian neighborhood, known locally as Tehran on the Seine. It would not be noticed for days.
So far, everything had gone according to the carefully laid plans that French investigators say were devised in the offices of Tehran government ministries.
Meanwhile, at the Bakhtiar house all was quiet. Police guards making their regular rounds of the compound grounds every 15 minutes dutifully entered in their logs the initials: "RAS" for rien a signaler , meaning "nothing to report."
Errors of a Mission
The Istanbul dispatch center was set up to handle emergencies. But in the aftermath of a perfectly executed assassination, the phones were silent until almost midnight. That's when the secret agents made their first mistake.
Neither Vakili Rad nor Azadi spoke French. Traveling without Boyerahmadi for the first time since arriving in France, they were bound for the small Savoy-region resort town of Annecy, near the Swiss border. It required a train change in Lyon.
But Lyon has two train stations -- and they got off at the wrong one. They missed their connection to Annecy and called Istanbul for help. Days later a taxi driver would recall for police investigators that "the big one," Azadi, had used the pay phone outside the rail station.
The Istanbul center was compromised and, with it, all the contacts made by its agents believing they were beyond surveillance in Turkey.
Meanwhile, at Bakhtiar's home no one noticed that the private secretary failed to make his regular morning visit to deliver the day's agenda. Sacks of groceries, dropped off at the door as usual, were not retrieved all that day.
The phone was constantly busy, not unusual given Bakhtiar's heavy phone use. Police failure to discover the crime was giving the fleeing killers a considerable head start. But such unexpected good fortune was making other Iranian agents anxious. There were no press bulletins to confirm the assassination.
Istanbul agents made a costly blunder the next morning. Even though Vakili Rad and Azadi had already checked in, they phoned an Iranian woman in Paris whose role as an undercover intelligence agent for Tehran had been unknown to French authorities.
"Any news of Bakhtiar?" the Istanbul caller asked. No, but she agreed to inquire.
Later, armed with phone records, French police would raid the woman's home and discover encoding devices, a pen with disappearing ink and other evidence identifying the woman as "an Iranian mole." She would not be the only covert agent compromised by the phone links.
Another was an Iran Air official at Orly Airport who was believed to be involved in counterfeiting runway access badges based on evidence found in his office safe. He also was holding the long-lost wallet and passport of a French businessman, raising suspicion that they might be used to create fake identities for Iranian agents.
In England, an Iranian interior decorator near Birmingham was linked to the Istanbul operation. French officials believed he was a "dormant mole" for Iran intelligence. British officials arrested him for questioning.
And in Southern California, French investigators believed they had found more Iranian moles but were unable to persuade U.S. authorities to detain them, as was possible under French and British laws. One French official complained that it prevented exposure of more Iranian agents operating in California and elsewhere in the United States.
But Dave Tubbs, chief of the FBI's counterterrorism section in Washington, said: "We cooperated within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution and laws. . . . Nothing was held back."
Tubbs acknowledged that Iranian intelligence is active in the United States, keeping track of dissidents and keeping its thumb on students.
In fact, Southern California figures to be a hotbed of such activity since the size of its Iranian community is the largest anywhere in the world outside of Iran. California also has a high concentration of the wealthiest Iranian exiles, according to experts.
Eighteen hours after the assassination, Vakili Rad and Azadi arrived at the Swiss border. But they had made another mistake -- they stuck their phony Swiss visa stamps into their phony Turkish passports so late that the visa stamp was still moist, arousing the suspicion of a Swiss officer. On closer examination the guard determined that the visas, supposedly issued in Tehran, bore serial numbers of Swiss consulates in France.
Swiss entry was promptly denied and the Iranians were turned over to French border guards -- who just as promptly released them. The men were not yet wanted by police.
Their difficulties getting out of France, which would continue for several more days, forced the Istanbul dispatch center to send out repeated calls to Iran to Paris to London to Los Angeles and to other cities, each call compromising another intelligence asset and revealing more of the VEVAK network.
What the agents had failed to count on was the relative technological ease with which investigators could reconstruct records of their telephone traffic -- this, despite the fact that the fleeing assassins had used only pay phones.
Pinpointing which pay phone records to analyze was made somewhat easier by another error of the fleeing secret agents. One left his wallet behind in an Annecy phone booth.
Finally, the silence at Bakhtiar's home raised suspicions. About noon on Thursday, Aug. 8 -- nearly 42 hours after the killings, long enough for mold to form on the unfinished cups of tea -- police found the bodies.
Too late, pictures of the last three visitors would be distributed to news outlets throughout Europe. Azadi and Vakili Rad finally made it across the border to Geneva. But that is where their last round of costly mistakes occurred.
Splitting up to make it appear each man was traveling alone, the secret agents checked into separate Geneva Hotels. They were to meet their contacts outside the Iran Air offices. Azadi made his appointments. Vakili Rad got lost and arrived 10 minutes late.
Azadi was apparently whisked off to Iran. Vakili Rad was left wandering the banks of Lake Geneva, trying to avoid Swiss police and waiting to be rescued.
Clues and Accomplices
French law enforcement had suffered a string of embarrassments. It had failed in the first instance to protect Bakhtiar, then failed to discover the murder in a timely fashion -- providing protection, as it turned out, for two corpses for nearly two days.
Its border police had two of the suspected killers in custody for a time and released them without so much as a routine investigation of their phony passports. In fact, it was Swiss border police who first alerted anti-terrorism investigators that the Iranian agents had tried to enter Switzerland a day after the killings.
The French began to make up for lost time. Investigators found cabdrivers and hotel clerks who reported seeing the men, and Investigating Magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere could narrow his survey of public phone records. With that, the case against Iran began to form, and the dimensions of Iran's worldwide network of operatives would start to take shape.
A call from a Bois de Boulogne prostitute proved especially fortuitous. She had found the bloody clothes left behind in the Paris park. Although she had cleaned them to present to a boyfriend, investigators said lab tests were still able to link the clothes to the suspects and to the murders.
The first big break in the case came before dawn on Aug. 21. Vakili Rad was arrested on the lake shore by Swiss police and promptly extradited to France. Bruguiere finally had a murder suspect, a man he also believed to be an Iranian secret agent.
Later that day, with Vakili Rad captured, the clandestine dispatch center shut down in Istanbul. The last agent monitoring the phones left for Iran.
One of the lingering mysteries is what happened to Boyerahmadi, accused of complicity in the murder by vouching for the suspected killers. He made a separate exit from France at least 10 days after the killings.
French investigators say he has relatives near Washington, D.C., and in Germany. While hiding in Paris he told one witness that he was awaiting documents for a trip to the United States. Investigators speculate that he may have changed identity to enter the United States.
As the trial gets under way, French investigators are confident their case will show that four Iranian government ministries -- Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Telecommunications and Interior -- played key roles in ordering and carrying out a Bakhtiar conspiracy.
Bruguiere, who directed the investigation, calls the legal fight against terrorism vital for the defense of freedom.
"Terrorism is trying to destroy our society. It's like a war, " he said in an interview. "Organized crime has an understandable goal, to make profits for its members. But terrorism seeks to destroy our values, our democratic systems. We must fight it with the arm of the law."
Meanwhile, the country braces for possible terrorist attacks similar to what accompanied the trial of the Palestinian gunman accused of trying to kill Bakhtiar back in 1980. Police have bolstered security around train stations and major department stores. Sharpshooters man the rooftop of the Palais de Justice.
Hoping to defuse prospects of terrorist actions and help minimize the tensions between Iran and France, one French Justice Ministry spokesman insisted:
"This is a murder trial, not a trial of Khomeini or Rafsanjani. The issue will be simply this: Who is the murderer and who is the accomplice?"
For the remnants of the Bakhtiar resistance group, the trial has much broader implications. Ali Chakeri, 57, who replaced the fallen president, accuses Iran of mounting an international campaign to exterminate dissent.
"We don't care so much if the accused suspects are convicted," Chakeri said in a discreetly arranged interview. "What is most important to us, the victims of this violence, is that Iran is convicted."
Times staff writer Ronald J. Ostrow in Washington and researcher Sarah White in Paris also contributed to this story.
unfortunately the result of incidence like this has led to lack of trust and and spread of paranoia among the iranian opposition.
Dear “1irany”:
First of all I want to thank you for the songs…I enjoyed them both!
I’m very sad to hear the facts you mentioned, but I think this is exactly why you need to make a change…and I am completely sure you can make a change.
During many years of repression people in Latin America were persecuted by thinking freely, by reading certain “forbidden” books, and even by studying certain humanistic careers, or by looking like subversive (understanding for this even men wearing long hair). There were many people I knew who had to burn books in their bath after reading them not to leave evidence of their studies. The first victim of any tyranny is the education, the knowledge and there is a reason for that. It is good for any oppressor to rule ignorant people who will not question his legitimacy and his actions. It is good for him to rule in a place in which people believe in what he says, believes this is the way things should be done because unfortunately they don’t know any other way (they will not claim for their rights since they will hardly understand they have rights). And when people start suffering, then it is time to blame others. History is full of sad examples of this, but the saddest part is that we cannot learn and we still let the same dynamics to drive our world. Contrasting to what many people believe, the revolution in Cuba was driven by intellectuals who suffered a despotic regime supported by the United States (who was even sending arms to Batista). They were living a dictatorship. The revolution somehow started abroad (Fidel Castro was exiled in Mexico when he met the “Che” Guevara). But a common pattern was “knowledge” and unity. Unfortunately Cuban people have forgotten why they fought in first instance and have allowed another despot to take the same cruel actions the previous one did. Latin America has changed his direction as well, for some reason people prefer to lose time burning American flags and blaming others for their fails, rather than taking responsibilities as civilians and claim local criminals to be judged and go to jail. Thus, we still find many people involved in crimes against humanity enjoying of political affairs and their benefits. And what are our politicians doing?, every year cutting more budget for education. Would you believe me if I even tell you some people in the poorest areas sell their votes for a hot dog and a coke?.
I can understand people’s fear which might expose a disunite country in which everybody fears mainly for his own security, because no organization (not even informal) will protect them and they might even be afraid their neighbor will report them for “thinking” in a different way. However, I still believe at the moment you will be majority others will be afraid. That’s why I believe your main position when encouraging a change should always start by educating people, by showing them there is a better way of living and explaining them it is their right to live with dignity and to think and express themselves freely. By explaining them to blame others and burn other countries’ flag will just lead them to what the oppressor wants. At the moment people will be united and strong and crimes and injustice will be punished, at the moment they will be able to act and think freely, and decide by their own what is the best for themselves and the whole nation….at that moment they will not need to burn any flag because they will be a free nation.
Dear Miranda,
Thank you for your comments,
I lost my family members and best friends trying to make a change and I am alive due to chance (I call it bad luck), I just happened to be in a different place when they raided our house, took my two siblings and hit my mother with a rifle when she was protesting their arrest. No, we did not belong to any groups, we were freedom loving people and one of my sibling’s acquaintances gave our name to the secret police under torture after arrest (that is how my family got in the so called black list).
I live in exile now or would have been buried in an unmarked grave in Iran next to my sibling and friends. If go back I know I can not remain silent (I can not go visit my siblings grave instead of kissing their beautiful face) and they will kill me too (I am not afraid of death, but for what).
We have our own many “Che” Guevara like revolutionaries. You can visit this site (this is just one site of our revolutionary people and there are several others).
on the left side (English, under gallery you will see some photos of the fallen revolutionaries both during the shah and later).
No I am not a communist, please do not slap a label on me. I am open minded person and read from different groups with different ideologies.
I have NEVER supported NOR participated in burning others flags and blaming others for our failure.
Yes our people live in fear.
Yes I believe in education too that’s why I am taking my time to answer you. And most important of all learning TOLERANCE.
Any how, you sound like a sweet and intelligent person. However, as I know little about your history, you demonstrated limited knowledge about our people in your note and I hope you can learn more in your spare time if you are interested : )
Kind Regards
1iranian or just another Iranian
Dear Mariana, I am sorry for goofing on you name. it was an innocent mistake.
Here you can read about an Iranian who also left Iran. Although, I would have spent my money on other causes, I am proud of her for pursuing her dream.
the link is
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