Ashura, the ten day mourning ceremony -I
You know how Shiaaism was established? It was us- Iranians- who made it up to keep our identity. Let me explain more:
During the dynasty of Sasanids, Arabs invaded Iran and occupied the country. Iranian poor fed up with the terrible class discrimination imposed by Sasanid kings, helped the invaders to conquer the country. The Iranian poor were astonished and amazed by the promises of Peace and Brotherhood the Moslems spoke about. Later, the people who faced the wrongness of the promises of the 'liberator's rose up and fought the invaders. We have stories of the clashes between the people and the conquerors in our history. Very bloody indeed.
There are stories that before death, prophet Mohammad made his will that the first Khalifa after him, when he dies would be Ali ,his son-in-law and cousin, the first man who accepted Islam. When the Prophet died, the Arab elderly people gathered and decided that Ali was too young to be the leader of Moslems. They decided that not Ali but that would be Abubakr who would be the substitute of the Prophet. This way, all the long long problems between the majority and those who were supporting Ali, began- what we call them today as Sunnis and Shiaas.
Iranians who were themselves against Arab power, invited Ali to their own country. Yes, we had our own problems with Arabs, so naturally we sought allies. This is the reason that Ali moved to Kufa, Iraq ,the then western city of Iran. Kufa was just a few hundred kilometeres away from Tisfun, the then Iranian capital city.
So, Shiaa (means the 'followers') of Imam Ali, found a mostly Iranian taste. For instance, to express us to be different, when we prepare for prayers, we (I don't mean myself, I don't pray. I mean Iranian Moslems) wash our hands and feet in a different way that Sunnis do. When standing for prayer, we don't put our hands on each other like what Sunnis do, etc. To tell you briefly, Shiaa is actually an Iranian version of Islam. Later when the third son of Ali was killed by Yazid (the then Khalifa from Omavid family), Iranians held Iranian kind of ceremonies to mourn his death. That's why what we have now as Ashura, is very Iranian. It is exactly like the mourning ceremonies we held for ourselves in ancient Iran. We had a tradition of mourning in Iran called 'Sowashoon'. Ashura is very smiliar to it. It is an imitation of it actually.
Ashura is the tenth day of Muharram, the lunar month. It is the commemoration of the 'martyrdom' of Hossein and his friends killed in Karbala. Traditionally, Muharram is a mourning month for Shiaas. No celebration, no wedding is held during this month. The climax is always Ashura and the day before it 'Tasooa' (Ashura is an Arabic word meaning 'the tenth' and Tasooa means 'the nineth').
If you come to visit Iran during the first days of Muharram, you would see black flags all around. There are mourning groups, beating the drums and cymbals marching in the streets, beating on their chests and crying to commemorate the innocence of Hossein.
At the front of the mourning group, you usually see a metal feature carried by volunteers, it is called 'Alam'. I took this picture you see here a couple of days ago and it is an Alam resting to be carried during Tasooa and Ashura. Look at the structure, doesn't it remind you the cross? Just imagine it carried by someone on his shoulders, doesn't it remind you the Christ and the cross on his shoulder? Can you trace the similarity of it and the Christian stuff?
For Ashura we even have a traditional kind of street theater, called Ta'ziye. The theater is a narration of the event played by traditional actors. It usually begins the story since the time Imam Hossein began to gather his friends and prepare for the war. The theater shows the agonies he and his followers went through. The peak of the theater is when at the midday of Ashura, Imam and his bunch of followers (they were totally 72), fought Yazid and all were killed. Then it goes on to the time that the survived members of family are taken as prisoners and to the jail.
Well, the people around cry so loudly when the watch the theater and it goes sometimes that some even attack the poor guy who performs the role of Shemr- murderer of Imam Hossein.
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My presidential wed site is www.jackshepardforpresident.com
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I an based out of Rome, Italy temporarily presently so my cell is 39/335491709 or 39/ 3339061799 and my fax is 39/0650933307
You can read many article published by mostly from the Syrian times about my concerns for Middle East peace and why Iran and Syrian must be included in all future Middle Peace efforts if we are ever going to have peace in the Middle East.
Just hours ago, my application to be listed on the first US Presidential Primary was delivered to the New Hampshire Secretary of States office. I just got listed on the New Hampshire Presidential primary they will later in the day start posting names. http://www.sos.nh.gov/
I just returned from Tehran 2 weeks ago. http://www.jackshepardforpresident.com/files/Accra.htm
I am running against Aipac.org and the total control Aipac.org has over our American Middle East Policy. The control that Aipac.org has by either buying or blackmailed almost every American politician to be unfairly bias toward anything that Israel does has gotten American in very much trouble and almost completely ruined American reputation worldwide.
The American media and Hillary Clinton are only talking about their plans to use a military attack on Iran, http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=B8gHmJUa720 & http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=vwV6O5AGKyw even nuclear bunker buster bombs to attack Iranian peaceful nuclear program.
My program for turning a page and starting a new relationship of respect and trust with Iran and America. If elected president I will open direct dialogue with respect and reopen our American Embassy in Tehran and personally welcome the new Iranian Ambassador to Washington.
Top of my web site says:
AS President of the United States I would immediate extend full diplomatic relations with every country in the world; especially with Iran. Only through Direct Dialogue with Iran will our mission in Iraq be successful enabling our troops to come home preventing a Major World War in the Middle East in the Very Near Future
The Aipac.org (the Israeli Lobby) control is so strong that the American Politicians http://www.jackshepardforpresident.com/Part1part2.html can not stand up and say one word against any of the crimes the Israeli Military does toward the Palestinian people or more recently the Lebanon’s people. Dropping 300,000,000 cluster n bombs on Beirut without a word for example from one American politician.
I need your help to help me get my name, Jack Shepard on as many State Presidential Primary elections by helping with having petitions signed where required and maybe some small donation just to pay the filing fees. I have not asked for any donations really so far, I have self funded myself for over $30,000 of my own money and this quarter I received $500.00 from a few supporters. I need petition signed most are between 500 and 1000 name I can check the Secretary of States web sites and we if you wish to help have to get it together fast. I can Paid the filling fees tell me what states you are strong in and I or we can see how many signature we need to get on the presidential ballot.
For me it is the message that is important it is the message; that is important. The American media is so unfair to Arab’s in general and especially Iranian and Syrians. So As a Presidential Candidate if I get on as many states Republican Primary for president as possible they will have to print what I say, how unjust the treatment of the Palestinian people is and the unfair American Bias for Israel in the Israel- Palestine conflict was on of the causes of the 9/11 on page 147 or 9/11 report I say it on
I PRAY Allah has it written that we x can help end the murdering and killing of poor Arab Men, women, and children by the iDF and I am on record of creating the state of Palestine in the first 100daysd of taking office.
May Allah Bless you,
Dr. Jack Shepard, most important thing the republicans do not have a strong candidate so the real choice of the republican Nomination for president will be made in Sept1-4, 2008 at the republican National Convention so we just have to make a good showing in these primaries we do not have to win them
I just want to say thank you to you.
I just came back from Iran, and your article lets me know more about the ceremony I saw there.
Thank you.
And I love Iran and Iranian.
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