All the pain and sorrow trapped in me in recent days turned to rivers of tears today listening to this song of Fayruz , prominent Lebanese singer:
Bhibbak Ya Lubnan (I love you, Lebanon)
I love you Lebanon my country I love
your north your south your plains I love
you ask what happened what has overcome me
I love you Lebanon my country
they said what goes on in the land of festivals
strewn as it is with fire and dynamite
I said our land is being reborn
the Lebanon of dignity a people that perseveres
how could I help loving you
even in your madness I love you
because your love gathers us together
when we are dispersed and one grain of your soil
equals the treasures of the world
I love you Lebanon my country
I love
your north your south your plains I love
you ask what happened
what has overcome me.

You think what this very beautiful little girl with this curly olive blond hair is doing? I was shocked seeing this beauty vs the hatred her little hands are trying to convey through the mortal 'messenger'. She has been told that the bombs she is writing on are going to kill evils. How she would feel when some day she finds out that with these very bombs, the little boys and girls at the other side of the stupid man-made borderlines, have been killed?
recommend reading or listening to the interview with
Noam Chomsky: U.S.-Backed Israeli Policies Pursuing "End of Palestine"; Hezbollah Capture of Israeli Soldiers "Very Irresponsible Act" That Could Lead To "Extreme Disaster"
Yep you right. That action of that girl is a result hate. That hate is a result of massive bombing she is suffering from. That bombing is a result of…… Still, you can see her mother at the back. I believe she is not a very clever woman. Why it is so easy to make kids? Sometimes I think we should let people have kids only by license.
From the other hand, 2 little KIDS 9 and 3 years old (Christian – Arabs – Israelis) were killed yesterday in Nazareth, from a missiles of Hezbollah. Anther sad day.
I don't know how many Lebanese are hearted. It is such a hard situation. The Hezbollah fighters according to the media here are hiding in houses of civilians. The IDF is trying to bomb Hezbollah, and the civilians are paying the price. Very sad.
When that war is going to end?
Lot, Israel.
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But this is not fair and that's not convincing. This reason is repeated over and over again by IDF that the reason for killing the innocnet people is because millitants go and hide among the civilians. The same they have been claiming about Palestinians so far. They bomb Beirut and other cities tens of times of a day, and still they claim that all places there have been Hezballah agents hiding? If really Hezballahis r this many, may be IDF shouldn't fight them, because they have a strong support among the people. They are a huge party backed by thousands of Lebanese -as IDF tells us. You see, they are everywhere as IDF claims, in villages, on roads, in the airport, on bridges, in flour silos, in food storage places........ Well, my Lebanese friends living under air raids, don't support IDF's claims. And to tell you just this: none of my friends are religious or supporters of Hizballah. But they are all tired of their southern neighbor and constant troubles with her. When there was not any Hizballah on Earth, this very people I am speaking about fought Israelis for years to get the country out of their occupation. Lebanese mentality has thousands of very very sad stories about Israel- to tell you honestly.
Hello Laila,
Thanks for being honest.
I'm really trying to understand your side as well. As I can't get inside Lebanon I'm getting information from the media, internet, you…
I've read in a Lebanese web site :
New Member
Posts: 6
From:Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Registered: Jul 2006
posted 07-19-2006 03:58 AM
Welcome all of you Guys from Israel,.. I'm Happy and hope more of you will join us,.. I think that we are all on the same side,.. I think your military guys are doing the right thing, I've made contact with a friend in Lebanon and he told me don't believe what you see in Al-Jazeera and other Arab Channels,.. The Israelis are only targeting the military positions of Hezbollah and sometimes they are using civilians houses to hide weapons and fire rockets from,.. so these houses are targeted as well,.. of course some innocent civilians will be hit sometimes ,.. My condolences to all the Israelis and Lebanese innocents who lost their lives, may their souls will not be lost for nothing, but for the peace between our countries and the end of terror in the Middle East,
What do you think about that? There are Lebanese who see the same hard reality in a different way.
Regards, Lot.
Thanks for writing again. I can see that you are trying to see the other side of the story. I'm trying to do the same:
This you sent, I had seen before in the comment section of a Labanese blog.
Yes, if you and other people who obey their conscences, could have a chance to go and visit the places bombed by IDF by their own eyes, much of this could be lessened.
As I told you, my soureces of news is neither Hizballah nor Aljazeerah or any biased news group. I read Lebanese blogs to know what's going on there. I have been reading these blogs since couple of months ago. I know that these people are NOT even relgious let it be alone Hizballah supporter. One of the above mentioned bloggers had buisness trips to Israel even. NOW, I can see that they are against Israeli actions. To judge the circumstances there, can be ever a better source rather than Lebanese themselves? You know which blogs I mean; through one of them you have come here to meet.
Besides, I have told you that I have friends in Lebanon. They are another reliable source of mine.
World fails to focus on the important issues. It is so sad to watch anyone get hurt on either side of any belief. They must sit face to face and negotiate and stop this nonesense.
we should all be working together to solve hunger, disease (HIV, TB,..). This is just an example:
the link is:
"World fails to save Africa's AIDS orphans "
I just saw this link that posts the picture you have posted followed by a gruesome photo of a Lebanese Child, a victim of this senseless war.
have you seen this website, I am going to stop watching CNN
the link is
Yes, I had seen these pictures. They have gone everywhere in the cyber space. Even today on the news, I saw the demonstrators in had big posters of them rallying in Berlin.
Well, I don't know stopping watching CNN can help or not, but this afternoon I just witnessed a very funny -and disgusting- thing on TV. When LBC( the right wing Maronite TV) and Aljazeerah had live broadcasting of the war and Israeli tanks creeping into Lebanese territory in Ra's Marun in south and showed rubbles of telecommunication towers (which a LBC employee was killed in), BBC and CNN and Euronews had some junk about Golf, old architecture and I don't remember what else.......I just wonder if the Arab media stop broadcasting live from war, that would be anybody else telling us what's going on there?
Great article! Thanks.
Nice Blog!
Thanks for interesting article.
Thank You! Very interesting article. Do you can write anything else about it?
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