Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cat walkers in Tehran
Look how they look at the model. Especially the second man from the right.

Is it clothes or bed sheet she is wearing?!?

This is not the first fashion show in Tehran but it’s interesting to see the Government swings from suppression to trying to convince the women on how to wear. Clothes code has been a read headache for Islamic regime. They love us to wear loose long dark ugly manteaus when we would love opposite: tight, short, shiny color coats. They follow their own demands and would do whatever we love. Here, comes the ‘clash’, sometimes the 'form' is detention and being whipped, sometimes it turns to be nice smiley chadored woman coming to us, ‘recommending’ us to pull down our scarf or wipe off our make up (if we don't subordinate, then frowny unpleasant bearded men will show up to say that the smiles can turn to bitter frowns if we don't do what the 'sisters' have told) and sometimes it just is having a blind eye on us.
So, this is the second time they are holding such a show in Tehran. One may wonder do they really think that these clothes can attract us at all? If they don’t, so why they waste thousands of our oil income (the main source of the money in this country)on such an absurdity? Just imagine there are strong news spread about the possiblity of a US invasion in March 07, and then when you hear the news on TV or read them in the papers, you think is it the same Iran they are speaking about?

For seeing the rest of the pictures you can check here and here.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Miracle of Technology

In older days we used to judge the beauty of the people around. “This woman has beautiful eyes, that man is so handsome, etc.” Nowadays, thanks the cosmetic operations and the ‘drastic’ changes the surgeons make in the appearances of the people, it’s better you keep silent because you don’t know whose eyes are his or whose butts are hers.
The same is for the pictures. Looking at pictures, you hardly can judge whether it is real or fake. Look at this funny picture. It’s photoshoped. But is it hard to believe that Da Vinci has made it himself? So ‘natural’ it looks!